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PM Percussion Cajons

If you are looking for custom made Cajons then you should consider the line made by PM percussion Cajons. The Cajons are made from 100% wood and are available with or without snares. It is equipped with a hand lever on the side that can be used to adjust the snares. This helps in producing clear, warm and deep resonant sounds. The finish is sharp and beautiful and the instrument is durable and produces great sound. The PM Percussion Cajons are available in snare, conga and bata combination options.

The PM Percussion Bata Cajon combines the traditional sounds of the Bata with the more unique musical timbre offered by the Cajon design. Its versatility of sound allows it to be used for a wide variety of musical applications.The PM Percussion Cajons is a set that can produce sounds as varied as a dark mellow tone to a high-end pop. This is the perfect choice for any musical setting and great addition to any percussionist’s kit.

The PM percussion snare Cajon is a modern version of the traditional Cuban and Peruvian Cajons. Everything is custom made and hand-crafted to produce the best sound quality. 

All PM percussion instruments are built using American Birch plywood with lock miter joinery for maximum strength, durability and acoustics. The corners are rounded off for better playing comfort.



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